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Best practices for WFH

I have been wanting to write this post for a long time now, and since the circumstances of COVID-19, I thought this would be the right time to make a quick video on my top 3 best practices for working remotely.

Working from home, is not all sleeping in & pajamas. If you don’t stop to take breaks, you will burn out.

I have been working from home now for almost eight years, and just in the last two years changing to almost 100% at home. The first few years, I will say I probably wasted a lot of time. Now I believe I have perfected my routine and it starts with these three things.


Location, location, location.

I often hear from co-workers they get so distracter working from home. Well, of course, you would get distracted sitting at your kitchen table, especially if you don’t live at home. Pick a place, where you can’t see the fridge, your washing machine or your bed. This often means you need a designated area for your office to be set up.

I have set up a specific desk, that I only do my day job on. Writing this blog? This is not done at my office desk. I find this helpful due to the fact, every time I sit on this desk I am strictly working. If you are fortunate enough to have your own office with a door, that is a bonus!


Have a routine. 

This was so important when I started a new job about two years ago. I wondered if I would be okay working 100% remote. Prior to starting this new job, I made a plan. I put together a list of expectations I would hold myself to. This list included break time, what is appropriate and not appropriate during working from home and reviewing the WFH policy that my employer gave me. 

I make sure I wear clothes what would be appropriate in an office environment and never work in sweat pants or pyjamas. Some can work really well in these situations, however long term I cannot. 

If you live with a partner, it is very strange for them as well to see you live in your pyjamas 24/7. I think it’s healthy for your relationship to show that you are going to work as well not only in the mind but the way you look. 

I schedule in Lunch and Snacks/break times. These are already in my calendar and I rarely give flexibility to this, unless its for customer calls. This gives me the time to step away from the computer and take a break. 


Have a buddy.

I know we all have those friends we like to chat up at work. This is crucial during work from home. Have a work buddy that you can have a coffee break with, talk about the weekend, office politics and everything else that coffee machine talk includes. 

I only recommend this, for two reasons. 

a) It can get lonely working from home all the time

b) Good to stay updated on what is going on at your company, sometimes someone else will have other best practices. Always good to stay in the loop.

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